These products are all recommended because I have used them personally and can attest to their quality first hand or have been used by and are recommended by people I trust. As a full disclosure, these are all affiliate links, meaning I
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Most things worth achieving require a few steps before the big finish. Tiger Woods didn’t pick up a golf club for the first time in 1997 and win the Masters by 12 strokes. He was introduced to golf before the age of
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This past weekend, I was in my backyard working on some chipping from 10 yards with 26 balls. I would hit them all toward a net, collect the ones that missed the target to hit them again. I repeated that process until
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In a world where everything seems rushed, finding a quick and effective exercise program is necessary to meet the demands of home life, work responsibilities, and -most importantly- personal health and wellbeing. Life seems to be moving faster every day and what
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Unless you’re a kangaroo, not much happens on two legs when you are moving. When walking, almost all the time spent moving is on one leg with the opposite side travelling through the air. In fact, 80% of a walking cycle is
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Kettlebells (or objects similar to kettlebells) have been used for training for thousands of years. Shaolin monks in China used stone padlocks for training (shi-suo gong), ancient Greeks used haltere as a swingable weight, and ancient Scots threw similar devices in the
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